Now that we have the general pattern matching problem
defined: we are looking at some text character-by-character, we are going to
describe that problem more rigorously by building up from the simplest versions
of the problem to more complicated ones.
That’s right we are taking this one general problem and turn it into
lots of different problems. In the
process, we will build up our vocabulary of ways to describe the problem,
introduce notations to express the
more complicated problems, and develop different techniques that can actually
solve these problems.
We have already looked at the simplest problem, the single fixed string recognition problem. That’s the problem where we are given a piece
of text that might match a word, and the (single) word we want to determine
whether it matches, and we want back a simple yes or no answer. Is the text the word we are asking about or
The name of the problem includes two special terms:
“fixed string” and
Fixed String
means the problem is dealing with a word that has only one spelling and we
write that spelling out as part of the problem. Another name for these words is
which means we literally write the characters of the word to represent the
word. In our case, we had a single fixed
string. That is we are looking only for
one word. Because we know what the word
is (and the reason we know what the word is that the characters are literally
spelled out one-by-one as part of the problem and none of the characters can
vary from the spelling if we are to have a match), we call it a fixed string
problem. Any pattern where the items
of the pattern spell out the characters to match exactly (and literally) is
called a fixed string pattern.
Recognition means
we are simply looking at the text and trying to recognize if it matches the
pattern. We are not doing more
complicated analysis. We simply want a
yes or no, match or not match, answer.
We will eventually get to more complicated problems where we want much
more than a yes-or-no answer, but for a recognition problem that is all we
Implicit in this is the fact that we are looking at the
whole text and only if whole text exactly matches the word in question do we
return a yes. So, although we didn’t mention it above, this is also a
Match means we
want the entire text to match the pattern and to exactly correspond character
by character to the pattern. If there
are characters left over in the text that we didn’t line up to the pattern,
then the answer is no and the text is not a match. Similarly, if there are characters in the pattern
that weren’t lined up to the text, the answer is also not a match.
Now, this may seem like a lot of detail to describe a simple
problem, but it gives us the start of a rich vocabulary that allows us to
precisely distinguish the different pattern matching problems separating the
simple ones from those that are complex.
prev: Pattern Matching Is Easy
next: Literals and Quoting
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